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Some ponderings over Marketing world, some comments, and yes... the pyaas for the gyan !
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Close Up Calcium Minerals - Targeting Faux Pas

Had a discussion with fellow batchmates on toothpaste market in last few days, and that invariably reminded me of the summer experience and the learnings that i got. Specifically the launch of Close Up with Calcium Minerals. Now that is one brand which has managed to get a stronghold in Indian toothpaste market.

Toothpaste market is divided in two dimensions: fluoride and gel. While the former is basically bought as a family product and is having (perceived) benefits of strong and white teeth; the latter is looked for fresh breath and personality enhancement. Because of this the fluoride market is basically targeted at families, parents (with concern on children) and gel market is targeted at youth.

Now lets take the case of HLL coming out with a Calcium Mineral with Milk variant of Close Up (CloseUp Milk Calcium). This was the first time,the format called 'Core-in-Sheath' consisting of a white paste core surrounded by a gel was used in India. Anyway a visit to market and you wont find many people trying out the variant. Many retailers soon found this Fast Moving Consumer Good to be actually a slow mover!

But why did the product fail to register in mind of consumer? many argue that there is a need for gel and flouride mix paste and that is very evident from the success of such variants launched earlier. But then the crucial points are:
1. Who is attracted by the combination?
2. Who is the prime consumer of gel pastes?

When you try to answer, you will see an incongruency. The Close Up consumer is looking at freshness, and adding milk isnt really a great idea for fresh breath! So the idea isnt very appealing to him/her. Yes if you launch a new variant with lemon, mint or Eucalytus, it strikes the vibe as they too stand for freshness. And who is the right customer for gel pastes - youth, and you get them by showing product usage as one which increases either the self image of him/her or that leaves his/her impression on others (basically inc appeal)

Now look from fluoride's POV. Customer is mainly the buyer for family, so cost, basic benefits of strength, no cavities and 'jhaag' are the strong pullers. What's the perception now that what happens if one doesnt brush? One will have cavities? thats basic puller? (which also explains the large market share of dhishum dhishum paste - Pepsodent as compared with market leader and the old horse - Colgate). So now if you also give benefits of freshness to this user, does it make sense? Of course!!

So thing is such a variant of gel and white should have been launched under the name of Pepsodent by HLL. A problem of wrong targeting, indeed.

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posted by Jas @ 8:09 PM,


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