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Some ponderings over Marketing world, some comments, and yes... the pyaas for the gyan !
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Now loyalty programs in search engine

With information gaining vital importance in our daily lives, many people have started saying that we have entered an information age since last few years. IT companies are covering the distance between zero and billion in the shortest time for any company. The media has seen a bursting high in last decade as information has never been so easy to interchange, and when information is bombarded in our lives so heavily the next major thing is searching for the right information. So stress has been lately on how to structure the information, index it, make relationships between various information units so as to have a meaningful search. To reach this we need heuristic information, where the 'thumb of rules' are identified from experience.

We have seen search engine in text form changing to clusters and tags. But now a new search engine called Scour has been launched to encourage and reward consumers to vote and comment on search results called up from Google, Yahoo! and MSN. taking clues from popular site Digg, Scour allows its (human) members to evaluate, vote on, and comment on the results they receive from the usual major search engines like Yahoo, Google and MSN. Those votes and comments are then available to others in the community to help them decide which results are likely to be most useful or trustworthy.

Scour differentiates itself from other social search, rating and community web sites in that it allows its users vote and comment on search results, provides absolute privacy control, gives weight to each user's preferred search engines, and allows members to redeem their search points for Visa gift cards. By associating itself with Visa, it has entered the well established Loyalty domain.

Points scheme:
* Searching: 1 point;
* Voting: 2 points;
* Commenting: 3 points;
* Friend referral: 25% of each friend's points.

In a scenario cited by, an average of 4.5 searches per day could translate into rewards worth as much as US$25 per year. And, when adding in the value of friend referrals with an average of 3 searches per day for each friend, 25 friends who sign up and use regularly could earn the original member up to an additional US$100 or more each year.

"We're not trying to provide users with an alternative income, but the Scour points programme is a good way for us to reward users for helping to build up the community, to refine search results beyond the ordinary algorithms," concluded Yomtobian. is owned and operated by ABCSearch, a part of Internext Media Corporation.

You can visit the search engine at

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posted by Jas @ 1:09 PM,


At July 28, 2008 8:19 PM, Blogger Pilot-Pooja said...

Hey Jas,
Good to see the mastermind back in action..!

I remember, you had sent me a free link to scout via email too!

At July 28, 2008 10:36 PM, Blogger Jas said...

Thanks a lot Pooja! Actually with that US trip, life has been real hectic, plus dnt hav net at home :(

Have loads to write!!

At August 07, 2008 9:13 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing the new search engine,Jas.Definitely worth trying.

At August 15, 2008 8:26 PM, Blogger Pilot-Pooja said...

Hey Jas,

I am unable to open your blogs on finance and technology..

Guess, net is slow at my end (((

At August 15, 2008 8:28 PM, Blogger Pilot-Pooja said...

Wish to have more updates from the mastermind soon!

How was Kapil's wedding!!

At September 13, 2008 2:46 PM, Blogger Jas said...

Kapil's wedding was great; its a very different feeling to have a person you have spent ur growing up, and world understanding days to proceed to stage next of life :)

he has been a bro, so ...... great!

At September 28, 2008 1:03 PM, Blogger Pilot-Pooja said...

Thats really great to hear!

i wish the couple loads of good luck too!

Jas, please help, i am unable to open other blogs of urs.

Is it a pure network bhandwidth issue, i just hope so!

At September 28, 2008 1:05 PM, Blogger Pilot-Pooja said...

When i click on your profile link, it shows following source code"

unction ss(w,id) {window.status = w;a = document.getElementById(id);if (a) {bi = a.href.indexOf("&nm="); if (bi < 1) {a.href += "&nm=1";return true;}c = a.href.substring(0, bi+4); d = a.href.substring(bi+4, a.href.length);ei = d.indexOf("&");if (ei < 0) {f = d;r = '';} else {f = d.substring(0, ei);r = d.substring(ei, d.length); }var g = parseInt(f); g++;a.href

At October 01, 2008 9:35 PM, Blogger Jas said...

umm lemme check it over the holiday, its working fine over at my side right now. I gues tht was a bandwidth issue.

At October 11, 2008 8:14 AM, Blogger Pilot-Pooja said...

I guess you r right, i was able to open it once too!


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